Source: commandHelper.js

 * Roboliq: Automation for liquid-handling robots
 * @copyright 2017, ETH Zurich, Ellis Whitehead
 * @license GPL-3.0

 * A collection of helper functions for command handlers.
 * @module commandHelper

var _ = require('lodash');
var assert = require('assert');
var expect = require('./expect.js');
var jmespath = require('jmespath');
import math from 'mathjs';
import naturalSort from 'javascript-natural-sort';
import tv4 from 'tv4';
const Design = require('./design.js');
import misc from './misc.js';
import roboliqSchemas from './roboliqSchemas.js';
import wellsParser from './parsers/wellsParser.js';

 * Ensure that the value is an array.
 * If the value is already an array, return it directly.
 * If the value is undefined, return an empty array.
 * Otherwise, return the value wrapped in an array.
 * @param  {any} x - value
 * @return {array} an array
function asArray(x) {
	if (_.isArray(x)) return x;
	else if (_.isUndefined(x)) return [];
	else return [x];

 * Create the 'data' object that gets passed into many commandHelper functions.
 * TODO: Rather than calling it 'data', we should probably rename it to 'context'.
 * @param  {Protocol} protocol
 * @param  {object} objects  =             {} - current objects
 * @param  {object} SCOPE    =             {} - current SCOPE
 * @param  {array} DATA     =             [] - current DATA table
 * @param  {array} path = [] - current processing path (usually a step ID, e.g. step 1.2 would be given by `[1, 2]`)
 * @param  {object} files = {} - map of filename to loaded filedata
 * @return {object} the 'data' object that gets passed into many commandHelper functions
function createData(protocol, objects = {}, SCOPE = {}, DATA = [], path = [], files = {}, step = {}) {
	const updatedSCOPEDATA = updateSCOPEDATA(step, {objects: _.defaults({SCOPE, DATA}, objects)}, SCOPE, DATA);
	// console.log({step, SCOPE: updatedSCOPEDATA.SCOPE, DATA: updatedSCOPEDATA.DATA})

	// Process any directives in this step
	const objects2 = _.clone(objects);
	// TODO: consider changing this so that DATA and SCOPE are not a part of `objects`,
	// but are their own separate properties.
	objects2.DATA = updatedSCOPEDATA.DATA;
	objects2.SCOPE = _.defaults(
			// access the raw objects
			__objects: objects2,
			// access the current raw data table
			__data: updatedSCOPEDATA.DATA,
			// access raw protocol parameters
			__parameters: protocol.parameters || {},
			// access parameters of the current step
			__step: step,
			// access parameters from any step in the current step stack (0 = current step)
			__stepStack: null
		_.mapValues(protocol.parameters || {}, x => x.value)

	const context = {
		objects: objects2,
		schemas: protocol.schemas,
		accesses: new Set(),
	// console.log("SCOPE:")
	// console.log(context.objects.SCOPE);

	return context;

function getDesignFactor(propertyName, DATA) {
	return _(DATA).map(propertyName).filter(x => !_.isUndefined(x)).value();

 * Recursively replace $-SCOPE, $$-DATA, and template strings in `x`.
 * The recursion has the following exceptions:
 * - skip objects with any of these properties: `data`, `@DATA`, `@SCOPE`
 * - skip `steps` properties
 * - skip directives
 * @param  {any} x - the variable to perform substitutions on
 * @param  {object} data - protocol data
 * @return {any} the value with possible substitutions
function substituteDeep(x, data, SCOPE, DATA, addCommonValuesToScope=true, depth=0) {
	// console.log("substituteDeep: "); console.log({x, SCOPE, DATA, x})
	let x2 = x;
	if (_.isString(x)) {
		/*// DATA substitution
		if (_.startsWith(x, "$$")) {
			if (_.isArray(DATA)) {
				const propertyName = x.substr(2);
				x2 = getDesignFactor(propertyName, DATA);
				assert(x2.length > 0 || DATA.length == 0, `factor ${x} not found in data`);
				// console.log({x2})
				// console.log("DATA: "+JSON.stringify(DATA, null, '\t'));
				// console.log({map: _(DATA).map(propertyName).value()});
			else {
				assert(false, `invalid factor ${x}, because no data source is currently selected`);
		// Javascript
		else*/ if (_.startsWith(x, "${") && _.endsWith(x, "}")) {
			const safeEval = require('safe-eval');
			const code = x.substr(2, x.length - 3);
			const scope = _.defaults({_, math}, SCOPE, data.objects.PARAMS);
			// console.log({code, scope})
			x2 = safeEval(code, scope);
			// console.log({x2})
		// Mathjs calculation
		else if (_.startsWith(x, "$(") && _.endsWith(x, ")")) {
			const expr = x.substr(2, x.length - 3);
			// console.log({expr})
			const context = _.defaults({}, SCOPE, data.objects.PARAMS)
			// console.log({expr, context})
			x2 = calculateWithMathjs(expr, context);
			// console.log({x2, expr})
		// Mathjs calculation (deprecated)
		else if (x.length > 2 && _.startsWith(x, "$`") && _.endsWith(x, "`")) {
			const expr = x.substr(2, x.length - 3);
			// console.log({expr})
			// process.exit()
			x2 = Design.calculate(expr, SCOPE);
			// console.log({x2, expr})
		// Variable substitution
		else if (_.startsWith(x, "$@")) {
			const propertyName = x.substr(2);
			x2 = _.get(data.objects, [propertyName, "value"], x);
		// SCOPE substitution
		else if (_.startsWith(x, "$")) {
			const propertyName = x.substr(1);
			assert(_.has(SCOPE, propertyName), `${x} not in scope`);
			x2 = _.get(SCOPE, propertyName, x);
		// Template substitution
		else if (_.startsWith(x, "`") && _.endsWith(x, "`")) {
			const template = x.substr(1, x.length - 2);
			const scope = SCOPE; //_.mapKeys(SCOPE, (value, name) => "$"+name);
			// console.log({x, template, scope})
			x2 = misc.renderTemplate(template, scope, data);
			// console.log({x2})
	else if (_.isArray(x)) {
		x2 =, y => substituteDeep(y, data, SCOPE, DATA, addCommonValuesToScope, depth+1));
	else if (_.isPlainObject(x)) {
		const updatedSCOPEDATA = updateSCOPEDATA(x, data, SCOPE, DATA, addCommonValuesToScope);
		// console.log({SCOPE, SCOPE2: updatedSCOPEDATA.SCOPE})
		x2 = _.mapValues(x, (value, name) => {
			// Skip over @DATA, @SCOPE, directives and 'steps' properties
			if (_.startsWith(name, "#") || _.endsWith(name, "()") || name === "data" || name === "@DATA" || name === "@SCOPE" || name === "steps" || (depth > 0 && _.startsWith(name, "lazy"))) { //(_.isPlainObject(value) && value.hasOwnProperty("command"))) {
				// console.log("lazy..."); console.trace(); // FIXME: for debug only
				return value;
			else {
				return substituteDeep(value, data, updatedSCOPEDATA.SCOPE, updatedSCOPEDATA.DATA, addCommonValuesToScope, depth+1);
	return x2;

 * Calculate `expr` using variables in `context`, with optional `spec` object specifying `units` and/or `decimals`
function calculateWithMathjs(expr, context, spec={}) {
	const rx = /([_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][._$a-zA-Z0-9\xA0-\uFFFF]*)/g;
	const identifiers = expr.match(rx);
	const identifierValues = => {
		const x = _.get(context, key);
		if (_.isUndefined(x)) return undefined;
		// console.log({key, x});
		if (_.isString(x)) {
			return calculateWithMathjs_variable(x);
		else if (_.isArray(x)) {
			return => _.isString(y) ? calculateWithMathjs_variable(y) : y);
		return x;
	const identifierAndValues =, identifierValues).filter(x => !_.isUndefined(x[1]));
	const scope = _.fromPairs(identifierAndValues);
	// console.log({expr, context, identifiers, identifierValues, scope})

	// console.log({expr, scope})
	// console.log("scope:"+JSON.stringify(scope, null, '\t'))
	let value = math.eval(expr, scope);
	// console.log({type: value.type, value})

	// We're going to temprarily force value to be an array - this tells us whether we need to convert it back to a single item later.
	const doUnArray = !_.isArray(value);
	const values = (doUnArray) ? [value] : value;

	const processedValues = => {
		if (_.isString(value) || _.isNumber(value) || _.isBoolean(value)) {
			return value;

		// Get units to use in the end, and the unitless value
		const {units0, units, unitless} = (() => {
			const result = {
				units0: undefined,
				units: spec.units,
				unitless: value
			// If the result has units:
			if (value.type === "Unit") {
				result.units0 = value.formatUnits();
				if (_.isUndefined(result.units))
					result.units = result.units0;
				const conversionUnits = (_.isEmpty(result.units)) ? result.units0 : result.units;
				// If the units dissappeared, e.g. when dividing 30ul/1ul = 30:
				if (_.isEmpty(conversionUnits)) {
					// TODO: find a better way to get the unit-less quantity from `value`
					// console.log({spec})
					// console.log({result, conversionUnits});
					result.unitless = math.eval(value.format());
				else {
					result.unitless = value.toNumeric(conversionUnits);
			return result;
		// console.log(`unitless: ${JSON.stringify(unitless)}`)

		// Restrict decimal places
		// console.log({unitless})
		const unitlessText = (_.isNumber(spec.decimals))
			? unitless.toFixed(spec.decimals)
			: _.isNumber(unitless) ? unitless : unitless.toNumber();

		// Set units
		const valueText = (!_.isEmpty(units))
			? unitlessText + " " + units
			: unitlessText;

		return valueText;

	return (doUnArray) ? processedValues[0] : processedValues;

function calculateWithMathjs_variable(x) {
	// console.log({y: x})
	if (_.isString(x) && x.length > 0) {
		const c0 = x[0];
		const c1 = x[x.length - 1];
		// console.log({c0, c1})
		// If this might be a number with units
		if (
			// If it starts with a digit or sign
			((c0 >= "0" && c0 <= "9") || (c0 == "+" || c0 == "-")) &&
			// and ends with a letter
			(c1 >= "a" && c1 <= "z")
		) {
			try {
				const result = math.eval(x);
				// console.log({result})
				return result;
			catch (e) {}
	return x;

 * Parse command parameters according to a schema.
 * If parsing fails, an exception will be thrown.
 * Otherwise, the returned result contains two properties: `value` and `objectName`.
 * Both properties are maps that reflect the structure of the given schema.
 * The `value` map contains the parsed values -- object references are replaced
 * by the actual object (in `data`), quantities are replaced by mathjs objects,
 * well specifications are replaced by an array of well references, etc.
 * The `objectName` map contains any object names that were referenced;
 * in contrast to the `value` map (which is a tree of properties like `params`),
 * `objectName` is a flat map, where the keys are string representations of the
 * object paths (separated by '.').
 * Any object names that were looked up will also be added to the `data.accesses`
 * list.
 * @param  {object} params - the parameters passed to the command
 * @param  {object} data - protocol data
 * @param  {object} schema - JSON Schema description, with roboliq type extensions
 * @return {object} the parsed parameters, if successfully parsed.
function parseParams(params, data, schema) {
	const substituted = _.merge(
		_.pick(params, schema.noSubstitution),
		substituteDeep(_.omit(params, schema.noSubstitution), data, data.objects.SCOPE, data.objects.DATA)
	//console.log("SCOPE: "+JSON.stringify(data.objects.SCOPE, null, '\t'))
	const result = {orig: substituted, value: {}, objectName: {}, unknown: []};
	processParamsBySchema(result, [], substituted, schema, data);
	// Remove any unknowns that aren't in the parameteters (they might be in referenced objects)
	result.unknown = result.unknown.filter(name => _.has(params, name));
	// Remove unknown list if it's empty
	if (_.isEmpty(result.unknown)) {
		delete result.unknown;
	return result;

 * Try to process the given params with the given schema.
 * Updates the `result` object.
 * Updates `data.accesses` if object lookups are performed.
 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
 * @param {object} params - the part of the original parameters refered to by `path`
 * @param {object} schema - JSON Schema description, with roboliq extensions
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
function processParamsBySchema(result, path, params, schema, data) {
	// console.log(`processParamsBySchema: ${JSON.stringify(params)} ${JSON.stringify(schema)}`)
	const required_l = schema.required || [];
	const l0 = _.toPairs(;
	// If no properties are schemafied, return the original parameters
	if (l0.length === 0) {
		_.set(result.value, path, params);
		return result;
	// Add unknowns
	result.unknown.push(..._.difference(_.keys(params), ["description", "comment", "command", "data", "@DATA", "@SCOPE"].concat(_.keys( => path.concat(x).join(".")));
	// Otherwise, convert the parameters
	for (const [propertyName, p] of l0) {
		const type = p.type;
		const required = _.includes(required_l, propertyName);
		const defaultValue = p.default;
		const path1 = path.concat(propertyName);
		const value0 = _.cloneDeep(_.get(params, propertyName, defaultValue));

		if (type === "name") {
			// Normally, we don't want to process "name" parameters at all, but we
			// still need to dereference "$"-scope variables
			const value1
				= (_.startsWith(value0, "$@"))
						? _.get(data.objects, value0.substring(2), value0)
					: (_.startsWith(value0, "$"))
						? _.get(data.objects.SCOPE, value0.substring(1), value0)
						: value0;
			if (!_.isUndefined(value1)) {
				_.set(result.value, path1, value1);
			// If not optional, require the variable's presence:
			if (required) {
				//console.log({propertyName, type, info, params})
				expect.truthy({paramName: propertyName}, !_.isUndefined(value1), "missing required value [CODE 95]");
		else if (_.startsWith(type, "nameOf ")) {
			const type1 = type.substr(7);
			const value1 = lookupValue0(result, path1, value0, data);
			expect.truthy({paramName: path1.join(".")}, value1.type === type1, `expect the name of an object of type ${type1}: ${JSON.stringify(value1)}`);
			_.set(result.value, path1, result.objectName[path1.join(".")]);
			// console.log("nameOf result: "+JSON.stringify(result));
		else {
			const value1 = _.clone(lookupValue0(result, path1, value0, data));
			if (!_.isUndefined(value1) && !_.isNull(value1)) {
				processValue0BySchema(result, path1, value1, p, data, propertyName);
			// If not optional, require the variable's presence:
			else if (required) {
				// console.log({propertyName, type, result, path, params, schema})
				expect.truthy({paramName: path1.join(".")}, false, "missing required value [CODE 106]");

	return result;

 * Try to convert value0 (a "raw" value, no yet looked up) to the given type.
 * - If schema is undefined, return value.
 * - If schema.enum: return processValue0AsEnum()
 * - If schema.type is undefined but there are, assume schema.type = "object".
 * - If type is undefined or empty, return value.
 * - If type is an array, try processing for each element of the array
 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
 * @param {any} value0 - the value to process
 * @param {object} schema - JSON Schema description, with roboliq extensions
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
function processValue0BySchema(result, path, value0, schema, data) {
	// console.log(`processValue0BySchema(${path.join('.')}, ${JSON.stringify(value0)})`)
	//const valuePre = _.cloneDeep(value0);
	if (_.isUndefined(schema)) {
		_.set(result.value, path, value0);

	else if (schema.hasOwnProperty('enum')) {
		return processValue0AsEnum(result, path, value0, schema, data);

	else {
		const type = (_.isUndefined(schema.type) && !_.isEmpty(
			? "object"
			: schema.type;

		if (_.isEmpty(type)) {
			_.set(result.value, path, value0);

		else if (_.isString(type)) {
			processValue0BySchemaType(result, path, value0, schema, type, data);

		// Otherwise, we should have an array of types
		else {
			// Try each type alternative:
			const types = _.flatten([schema.type]);
			return processValue0OnTypes(result, path, value0, schema, types, data);
	/*if (!_.isEqual(value0, valuePre)) {
		console.log("VALUE CHANGED");
		throw "error";

 * Try to process the value as an enum.
 * @param  {object} result - result structure for values and objectNames
 * @param  {array} path - path in params
 * @param  {any} value0 - the value to process
 * @param  {object} schema - schema
 * @param  {object} data - protocol data
function processValue0AsEnum(result, path, value0, schema, data) {
	const value1 = lookupValue0(result, path, value0, data);
	expect.truthy({paramName: path.join(".")}, _.includes(schema.enum, value1), "expected one of "+schema.enum+": "+JSON.stringify(value0));
	_.set(result.value, path, value1);

 * A sub-function of processValue0BySchema().
 * Try to process the value as a named type.
 * @param  {object} result - result structure for values and objectNames
 * @param  {array} path - path in params
 * @param  {any} value0 - the value to process
 * @param  {object} schema - schema
 * @param  {object} data - protocol data
function processValue0BySchemaType(result, path, value0, schema, type, data) {
	// console.log(`processValue0BySchemaType(${path.join('.')}, ${value0}, ${type})`)
	if (type === "name") {
		_.set(result.value, path, value0);
	else if (_.startsWith(type, "nameOf ")) {
		// REFACTOR: this duplicates code in processValue0BySchema()
		const type1 = type.substr(7);
		const value1 = lookupValue0(result, path, value0, data);
		expect.truthy({paramName: path.join(".")}, value1.type === type1, `expect the name of an object of type ${type1}: ${JSON.stringify(value1)}`);
		_.set(result.value, path, result.objectName[path.join(".")]);
		// console.log("nameOf result : "+JSON.stringify(result));

	const value = _.cloneDeep(lookupValue0(result, path, value0, data));
	// By default, set result.value@path = value
	_.set(result.value, path, value);

	const name = path.join(".");

	switch (type) {
		case "array": return processValueAsArray(result, path, value, schema.items, data);
		case "boolean": return processOneOfBasicType(result, path, value, _.isBoolean, "boolean");
		case "integer": return processOneOfBasicType(result, path, value, _.isInteger, "integer");
		case "markdown": return processString(result, path, value, data);
		case "number": return processOneOfBasicType(result, path, value, _.isNumber, "number");
		case "null": return processOneOfBasicType(result, path, value, _.isNull, "null");
		case "string": return processString(result, path, value, data);
		case "object": return processParamsBySchema(result, path, value, schema, data);
		case "Agent":
			// TODO: need to check a list of which types are Agent types
			expect.truthy({paramName: name}, _.isPlainObject(value), "expected object: "+value);
		case "Any": return;
		case "Duration": return processDuration(result, path, value, data);
		case "Equipment":
			// TODO: need to check a list of which types are Equipment types
			expect.truthy({paramName: name}, _.isPlainObject(value), "expected object: "+value);
		case "Labware": return processValue0OnTypes(result, path, value0, schema, ["Lid", "Plate", "Trough", "Tube"], data);
		case "Length": return processLength(result, path, value, data);
		case "Lid": return processObjectOfType(result, path, value, data, type);
		case "Plate": return processObjectOfType(result, path, value, data, type);
		case "Plates": return processOneOrArray(result, path, value, data, (result, path, x) => processObjectOfType(result, path, x, data, "Plate", false));
		case "Site": return processObjectOfType(result, path, value, data, type);
		case "SiteOrStay": return processSiteOrStay(result, path, value, data);
		case "Source": return processSource(result, path, value, data);
		case "Sources": return processSources(result, path, value, data);
		case "String": return processString(result, path, value, data);
		case "Temperature": return processTemperature(result, path, value, data);
		case "Temperatures": return processOneOrArray(result, path, value, data, (result, path, x) => processTemperature(result, path, x, data));
		case "Volume": return processVolume(result, path, value, data);
		case "Volumes": return processOneOrArray(result, path, value, data, (result, path, x) => processVolume(result, path, x, data));
		case "Well": return processWell(result, path, value, data);
		case "Wells": return processWells(result, path, value, data);
		case "File":
			var filename = value;
			var filedata = data.files[filename];
			if (_.isUndefined(filedata))
				filedata = defaultValue;
			if (_.isUndefined(filedata) && _.isUndefined(filename))
			expect.truthy({paramName: name, objectName: filename}, !_.isUndefined(filedata), "file not loaded: "+filename);
			result.objectName[path.join('.')] = filename;
			_.set(result.value, path, filedata);
		default: {
			if (data.schemas.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
				const schema = data.schemas[type];
				// console.log({type, schema})
				processValue0BySchema(result, path, value, schema, data);
				// console.log("result: "+JSON.stringify(result, null, '\t'))
			else {
				const schema = roboliqSchemas[type];
				if (!schema) console.log("known types: "+_.keys(data.schemas).concat(_.keys(roboliqSchemas)))
				expect.truthy({paramName: name}, schema, "unknown type: "+JSON.stringify(type));
				const isValid = tv4.validate(value, schema);
				expect.truthy({paramName: name}, isValid, tv4.toString());

 * A sub-function of processValue0BySchema().
 * Try to process the value as a named type.
 * @param  {object} result - result structure for values and objectNames
 * @param  {array} path - path in params
 * @param  {any} value0 - the value to process
 * @param  {object} schema - schema
 * @param  {array} types - a list of types to try
 * @param  {object} data - protocol data
function processValue0OnTypes(result, path, value0, schema, types, data) {
	// console.log({types})
	let es = [];
	for (const t of types) {
		try {
			// console.log({t, path, value0})
			return processValue0BySchemaType(result, path, value0, schema, t, data);
		catch (e) {

	if (!_.isEmpty(es))
		// throw es[0];
		throw es.join("; ");

 * Try to process a value as an array.
 * @param  {object} result - result structure for values and objectNames
 * @param  {array} path - path in params
 * @param  {any} value0 - the value to process
 * @param  {object} schema - schema of the array items
 * @param  {object} data - protocol data
function processValueAsArray(result, path, list0, schema, data) {
	//console.log(`processValueAsArray(${path}, ${list0})`)
	// FIXME: for debug only
	// if (!_.isArray(list0)) {
	// 	console.trace();
	// 	process.exit();
	// }
	expect.truthy({paramName: path.join(".")}, _.isArray(list0), "expected an array: "+list0);
	list0.forEach((x, index) => {
		//return processValueByType(x, t2, data, `${name}[${index}]`);
		processValue0BySchema(result, path.concat(index), x, schema, data);
		//console.log({x, t2, x2})
		//return x2;
	//return list1;

 * Try to get a value from data.objects with the given name.
 * @param  {object} data - Data object with 'objects' property
 * @param  {array|string} path - Name of the object value to lookup
 * @param  {any} dflt - default value to return
 * @return {Any} The value at the given path, if any
function g(data, path, dflt) {
	const name = (_.isArray(path)) ? path.join('.') : path;

	if (_.isSet(data.accesses))
		data.accesses = new Set([name]);

	return _.get(data.objects, path, dflt);

 * Try to lookup value0 in objects set.
 * This function is recursive - if the value refers to a variable,
 * the variables value will also be dereferenced.
 * When a variable is looked up, its also added to result.objectName[path].
 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
 * @param {any} value0 - The value from the user.
 * @return {any} A new value, if value0 referred to something in data.objects.
function lookupValue0(result, path, value0, data) {
	if (_.isString(value0) && !_.startsWith(value0, '"')) {
		const deref = dereferenceVariable(data, value0);
		if (deref) {
			result.objectName[path.join(".")] = deref.objectName;
			// FIXME: for debug only
			// if (path.join(".") === "plates2.0") {
			// 	console.trace();
			// 	const process = require('process');
			// 	process.exit();
			// }
			// ENDFIX
			return deref.value;

	return value0;

 * Recursively lookup variable by name or path and return the final value.
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
 * @param {string} name - name or path of object to lookup in `data.objects`
 * @return {any} result of the lookup, if successful; otherwise undefined.
function dereferenceVariable(data, name) {
	const result = {};

	// Query DATA
	if (_.startsWith(name, "$$")) {
		if (_.isArray(data.objects.DATA)) {
			const propertyName = name.substr(2);
			result.value = getDesignFactor(propertyName, data.objects.DATA);
			//console.log("data.objects.DATA: "+JSON.stringify(data.objects.DATA, null, '\t'));
			//console.log({map: _(data.objects.DATA).map(propertyName).value()});

			const accessName = "DATA."+propertyName;
			if (_.isSet(data.accesses))
				data.accesses = new Set([accessName]);
	else {
		// Handle Variable reference
		if (_.startsWith(name, "$@")) {
			// console.log({name})
			name = name.substr(2);
		// Handle SCOPE abbreviation
		else if (_.startsWith(name, "$")) {
			name = "SCOPE."+name.substr(1);

		while (_.has(data.objects, name)) {
			const value = g(data, name);
			// console.log({value})
			if (!_.startsWith(name, "SCOPE.") && !_.startsWith(name, "DATA.")) {
				result.objectName = name;
			//console.log({name, value})
			if (value.type === "Variable" || value.type === "Data") {
				result.value = value.value;
				name = value.value;
			else {
				result.value = value;
	return (_.isEmpty(result)) ? undefined : result;

 * Accept either a single value whose type is checked with fnCheck(), or
 * an array with each element equal to the first - in that case,
 * set the result value to the first element of the array.
 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
 * @param {any} value - the value to process
 * @param {Function} fnCheck - a function that returns true if the value has the correct type
 * @param {string} expectedTypeName - name of the expected type, for constructing the error message if fnCheck fails
function processOneOfBasicType(result, path, value, fnCheck, expectedTypeName) {
	if (fnCheck(value)) {
	if (_.isArray(value)) {
		const one = value[0];
		// console.log("processOneOfBasicType:"); console.log({value, one, ok:, x => _.isEqual(x, one))})
		if (_.every(value, x => _.isEqual(x, one))) {
			_.set(result.value, path, one);
	expect.truthy({paramName: path.join(".")}, false, "expected "+expectedTypeName+": "+value);

 * If value is an array and every element of the array is the same,
 * return the first value of the array.  Otherwise just return the value.
 * @param  {any} value - value to inspect
function getCommon(value) {
	if (_.isArray(value) && value.length > 0 && _.every(value, x => _.isEqual(x, value[0]))) {
		return value[0];
	return value;

 * Try to call fn on value0.  If that works, return the value is made into
 * a singleton array.  Otherwise try to process value0 as an array.
 * fn should accept parameters (result, path, value0) and set the value in
 * result.value at the given path.

 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
function processOneOrArray(result, path, value0, data, fn) {
	// console.log("processOneOrArray:")
	// console.log({path, value0})
	// Try to process value0 as a single value, then turn it into an array
	try {
		const path1 = path.concat(0);
		_.unset(result.value, path, undefined);
		fn(result, path1, value0);
		// If we reach this point, then value0 was able to be processed as an object,
		// so use it as a singleton array.
		// const value1 = _.get(result.value, path);
		// _.set(result.value, path1, value1);
		if (result.objectName.hasOwnProperty(path.join("."))) {
			result.objectName[path1.join(".")] = result.objectName[path.join(".")];
			delete result.objectName[path.join(".")];
		// console.log(JSON.stringify(result));
		// console.log(JSON.stringify(_.get(result.value, path)));
		// const x = _.get(result.value, path2);
		// console.log({path2, x: JSON.stringify(x)})
		// _.set(result.value, path2, x);
		// console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, '\t'))
	} catch (e) {
		// console.log(e)

	expect.truthy({paramName: path.join('.')}, _.isArray(value0), "expected an array: "+JSON.stringify(value0));
	value0.forEach((x0, i) => {
		const path1 = path.concat(i)
		const x1 = _.cloneDeep(lookupValue0(result, path1, x0, data));
		_.set(result.value, path1, x1);
		fn(result, path1, x1);

 * Try to process a value as a length.
 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
 * @param {object} x - the value to process
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
function processLength(result, path, value0, data) {
	let x = getCommon(value0);
	if (_.isString(x)) {
		x = math.eval(x);
	//console.log({function: "processLength", path, x})
	expect.truthy({paramName: path.join('.')}, math.unit('m').equalBase(x), "expected a volume with meter units (m, mm, nm, etc.): "+JSON.stringify(value0));
	_.set(result.value, path, x);

 * Try to process a value as a string.
 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
 * @param {object} params - the part of the original parameters refered to by `path`
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
function processString(result, path, value0, data) {
	// Follow de-references:
	var references = [];
	var objectName = undefined;
	let value1 = getCommon(value0);
	while (_.isString(value1) && _.startsWith(value1, "${") && references.indexOf(value1) < 0) {
		objectName = value1.substring(2, value1.length - 1);
		if (_.has(data.objects, objectName)) {
			var type2 = g(data, objectName+".type");
			if (type2 === "Variable") {
				value1 = g(data, objectName+".value");
			else {
				value1 = g(data, objectName);

	if (!_.isNull(value1))
		_.set(result.value, path, value1.toString());

 * Tries to process and object with the given type,
 * whereby this simply means checking that the value
 * is a plain object with a property `type` whose value
 * is the given type.
 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
 * @param {object} x - the value to process
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
 * @param {string} type - type of object expected
 * @param {boolean} allowArray - false if we should not look into an array for an object
function processObjectOfType(result, path, value0, data, type, allowArray = true) {
	// console.log("processObjectOfType:")
	// console.log({result, path, value0, type})
	let x = value0;
	if (allowArray && _.isArray(value0) && value0.length > 0 && _.every(value0, x => _.isEqual(x, value0[0]))) {
		x = _.cloneDeep(lookupValue0(result, path, value0[0], data));
	const paramName = path.join(".");
	expect.truthy({paramName}, _.isPlainObject(x), `expected an object of type ${type}: `+JSON.stringify(value0));
	expect.truthy({paramName}, _.get(x, 'type') === type, `expected an object of type ${type}: `+JSON.stringify(value0));
	_.set(result.value, path, x);

 * Try to process a value as the keyword "stay" or as a Site reference.
 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
 * @param {object} x - the value to process
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
function processSiteOrStay(result, path, value0, data) {
	const x = getCommon(value0);
	if (x === "stay") {
		// do nothing, leave the value as "stay"
	else {
		processObjectOfType(result, path, x, data, "Site");

 * Try to process a value as a source reference.
 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
 * @param {object} x - the value to process
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
function processSource(result, path, value0, data) {
	const x = getCommon(value0);
	// console.log(`processSource: ${JSON.stringify(path)}, ${JSON.stringify(x)}`)
	const l = processSources(result, path, x, data);
	expect.truthy({paramName: path.join('.')}, _.isArray(l) && l.length === 1, "expected a single liquid source: "+JSON.stringify(x));
	_.set(result.value, path, l[0]);

 * Try to process a value as an array of source references.
 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
 * @param {object} x - the value to process
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
function processSources(result, path, x, data) {
	//console.log({before: x, paramName})
	if (_.isString(x)) {
		x = wellsParser.parse(x, data.objects);
		expect.truthy({paramName: path.join('.')}, _.isArray(x), "expected a liquid source: "+JSON.stringify(x));
		//x = [x];
	else if (_.isPlainObject(x) && x.type === 'Liquid') {
		x = [x.wells];
	else if (_.isArray(x)) {
		x =, index) => {
			const path2 = path.concat(index)
			return expect.try({paramName: path2.join('.')}, () => {
				// console.log({x2})
				if (_.isPlainObject(x2) && x2.type === 'Liquid') {
					return [x.wells];
				else {
					const result2 = {value: {}, objectName: {}};
					// console.log({result2, path2, x2})
					processSource(result2, path2, x2, data);
					// console.log(`result2: ${JSON.stringify(result2)}`)
					return _.get(result2.value, path2);
	// console.log({x})
	_.set(result.value, path, x);
	return x;

 * Try to process a value as a temperature.
 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
 * @param {object} x - the value to process
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
function processTemperature(result, path, value0, data) {
	let x = getCommon(value0);
	if (_.isString(x)) {
		x = math.eval(x);
	//console.log({function: "processVolume", path, x})
	expect.truthy({paramName: path.join('.')}, math.unit('degC').equalBase(x), "expected a temperature with units degC, degF, or K: "+JSON.stringify(value0));
	_.set(result.value, path, x);
	//console.log("set in result.value")

 * Try to process a value as a volume.
 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
 * @param {object} x - the value to process
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
function processVolume(result, path, value0, data) {
	let x = getCommon(value0);
	if (_.isString(x)) {
		x = math.eval(x);
	//console.log({function: "processVolume", path, x})
	expect.truthy({paramName: path.join('.')}, math.unit('l').equalBase(x), "expected a volume with liter units (l, ul, etc.): "+JSON.stringify(value0));
	_.set(result.value, path, x);
	//console.log("set in result.value")

 * Try to process a value as a well reference.
 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
 * @param {object} x - the value to process
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
function processWell(result, path, value0, data) {
	let x = getCommon(value0);
	if (_.isString(x)) {
		//console.log({result, path, x})
		x = wellsParser.parse(x, data.objects);
	expect.truthy({paramName: path.join('.')}, _.isArray(x) && x.length === 1, "expected a single well indicator: "+JSON.stringify(value0));
	_.set(result.value, path, x[0]);

 * Try to process a value as an array of wells.
 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
 * @param {object} x - the value to process
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
function processWells(result, path, x, data) {
	if (_.isString(x)) {
		x = wellsParser.parse(x, data.objects);
	expect.truthy({paramName: path.join('.')}, _.isArray(x), "expected a list of wells: "+JSON.stringify(x));
	_.set(result.value, path, x);

 * Try to process a value as a time duration.
 * @param {object} result - the resulting object to return, containing objectName and value representations of params.
 * @param {array} path - path in the original params object
 * @param {object} x0 - the value to process
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
function processDuration(result, path, value0, data) {
	let x = getCommon(value0);
	if (_.isNumber(x)) {
		x = math.unit(x, 's');
	else if (_.isString(x)) {
		x = math.eval(x);
	//console.log({a: math.unit('s'), value: x, x0})
	expect.truthy({paramName: path.join('.')}, math.unit('s').equalBase(x), "expected a value with time units (s, second, seconds, minute, minutes, h, hour, hours, day, days): "+JSON.stringify(value0));
	_.set(result.value, path, x);

 * Get a property value from an object in the parsed parameters.
 * If no value could be found (and no default was given) then an exception
 * will be thrown.
 * @param {object} parsed - the parsed parameters object, as passed into a command handler
 * @param {object} data - protocol data
 * @param {string} paramName - parameter name (which should reference an object)
 * @param {string} propertyName - name of the object's property to retrieve
 * @param {any} defaultValue - default value if property not found
 * @return {any} the property value
function getParsedValue(parsed, data, paramName, propertyName, defaultValue) {
	const value = _.get(parsed.value[paramName], propertyName, defaultValue);
	const objectName = parsed.objectName[paramName];
	//console.log({parsed, x: parsed[paramName], paramName, propertyName})
	if (!_.isUndefined(value)) {
		const objectName1 = (objectName) ? objectName+"."+propertyName : paramName+"/"+propertyName;
		expect.truthy({objectName1}, !_.isUndefined(value), "missing value");
		return value;
	else {
		expect.truthy({paramName: paramName}, !_.isUndefined(defaultValue), "missing parameter value");
		return defaultValue;

 * Query the logic database with the given predicates and return the values
 * of interest.
 * @param  {Object} data         Command data
 * @param  {Array} predicates    Array of llpl predicates
 * @param  {String} queryExtract A jmespath query string to extract values of interest from the llpl result list
 * @return {Array}               Array of objects holding valid values
function queryLogicGeneral(data, predicates, queryExtract) {
	var llpl = require('./HTN/llpl.js').create();

	var query = {"and": predicates};
	var resultList = llpl.query(query);
	//console.log("resultList:\n"+JSON.stringify(resultList, null, '  '));

	if (_.isEmpty(resultList)) {
		var predicates2 = [];
		_.forEach(predicates, function(p, index) {
			var p2 = _.mapValues(p, function(value, name) { return "?"+name; });
			var query2 = {"and": predicates2};
			var resultList2 = llpl.query(query);
			expect.truthy({}, !_.isEmpty(resultList2), "logical query found no result for predicate "+(index+1)+" in: "+JSON.stringify(query));

	if (queryExtract) {
		var alternatives =, queryExtract);
		return alternatives;
	else {
		return resultList;

 * Query the logic database with the given predicates.  If solutions are found,
 * choose one of the alternatives.
 * @param  {Object} data         Command data
 * @param  {Array} predicates    Array of llpl predicates
 * @param  {String} predicateName Name of the predicate we're interested in
 * @return {Array} - an array where the first item is the chosen solution, and the second item includes all alternatives.  If no solution was found, then both items will be undefined.
function queryLogic(data, predicates, predicateName) {
	const resultList = queryLogicGeneral(data, predicates, undefined);
	if (_.isEmpty(resultList)) {
		return [undefined, undefined];

	const queryExtract = `[].and[]."${predicateName}"`
	const alternatives =, queryExtract);
	assert(!_.isEmpty(alternatives), `${predicateName} not found in resultList ${JSON.stringify(resultList)} for predicates ${JSON.stringify(predicates)}`);

	// Pick a plan
	let chosen = alternatives[0];
	if (data.planAlternativeChoosers.hasOwnProperty(predicateName)) {
		chosen = data.planAlternativeChoosers[predicateName](alternatives, data);
		// console.log({chosen})

	return [chosen, alternatives];

 * Helper function for queryLogic() that replaces undefined property values with
 * the name of the property prefixed by '?'.
 * @param  {Array} predicates    Array of llpl predicates
function fixPredicateUndefines(predicate) {
	if (_.isArray(predicate)) {
		_.forEach(predicate, function(p) { fixPredicateUndefines(p); });
	else if (_.isPlainObject(predicate)) {
		_.forEach(predicate, function(value, name) {
			if (_.isUndefined(value))
				predicate[name] = "?"+name;
			else if (_.isPlainObject(value)) {

 * Lookup nested paths.
 * @example
 * This example will first lookup `object` in `params`,
 * then lookup the result in `data.objects`,
 * then get the value of `model`,
 * then lookup it value for `evowareName`:
 * ```
 * [["@object", "model"], "evowareName"]
 * ```
 * @param  {array} path   [description]
 * @param  {object} params [description]
 * @param  {object} data   [description]
 * @return {any}        [description]
function lookupPath(path, params, data) {
	//console.log({path, params, data})
	let prev;
	_.forEach(path, elem => {
		let current = elem;
		if (_.isArray(elem))
			current = lookupPath(elem, params, data);
		else {
			if (_.startsWith(current, "@")) {
				//console.log({current, tail: current.substring(1)})
				current = current.substring(1);
				assert(_.has(params, current));
				current = _.get(params, current);

		//console.log({prev, current})
		if (_.isUndefined(prev)) {
			if (_.isString(current)) {
				const result = {value: {}, objectName: {}};
				const path2 = []; // FIXME: figure out a sensible path in case of errors
				current = lookupValue0(result, path2, current, data);
			prev = current;
		else {
			assert(_.has(prev, current));
			prev = _.get(prev, current);
	return prev;

function lookupPaths(paths, params, data) {
	return _.mapValues(paths, path => lookupPath(path, params, data));

 * Parse input spec and return object with the same properties as the spec,
 * but with values looked up.
function parseInputSpec(inputSpec, parsed, data) {
	return _.mapValues(inputSpec, (item, key) => {
		return lookupInputPath(item, parsed, data);

 * Lookup nested paths.
 * @example
 * * "object": gets parameter value.
 * * "?object": optionally gets parameter value.
 * * "object*": looks up object.
 * * "object*location": looks up object, gets `location` property.
 * * "object*location*": looks up object, gets `location` property, looks up location.
 * * "object*location*type": looks up object, looks up its `location` property, gets type property.
 * * "something**": double de-reference
 * * "object*(someName)": looks up object, gets someName value, gets object's property with that value. (this is not currently implemented)
 * @param  {array} path   [description]
 * @param  {object} parsed [description]
 * @param  {object} data   [description]
 * @return {any}        [description]
function lookupInputPath(path, parsed, data) {
	// console.log("lookupInputPath:"); console.log({path, parsed})
	assert(_.isString(path) && !_.isEmpty(path));

	// Check whether success is required
	let required = true;
	if (path[0] == "?") {
		required = false;
		path = path.substring(1);

	const elems = _.filter(path.split(/([*])/), s => !_.isEmpty(s));
	// console.log({elems});

	let current;
	try {
		for (let i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
			const elem = elems[i];
			if (elem == "*") {
				assert(_.isString(current), "cannot dereference: "+JSON.stringify({path, i, elem, current}));
				current = lookupInputPath_dereference(current, data);
			else {
				if (_.isUndefined(current)) {
					current = parsed.objectName[elem] || parsed.orig[elem];
				else {
					current = _.get(current, elem);
			assert(current, `${elem} not found in path ${path}`);
	} catch (e) {
		if (!required)
			return undefined;
		throw e;

	return current;

function lookupInputPath_dereference(current, data) {
	const result = {value: {}, objectName: {}};
	const path2 = []; // FIXME: figure out a sensible path in case of errors
	const current2 = lookupValue0(result, path2, current, data);
	return current2;

 * Return array of step keys in order.
 * Any keys that begin with a number will be included,
 * and they will be sorted in natural order.
 * @param  {object|array} o - an object or array of steps
 * @return {array} an ordered array of keys that represent steps
function getStepKeys(steps) {
	if (_.isPlainObject(steps)) {
		// Find all sub-steps (properties that start with a digit)
		const rx = /^[0-9]/;
		const keys = _.keys(steps).filter(x => rx.test(x));
		// Sort them in "natural" order
		return keys;
	else if (_.isArray(steps)) {
		return _.range(steps.length);
	else {
		return [];

 * Return an object that conforms to the expected format for steps.
 * @param  {array|object} steps - input in format of an array of steps, a single step, or propertly formatted steps.
 * @return {object} an object with only numeric keys, representing a sequence of steps.
function stepify(steps) {
	if (_.isPlainObject(steps)) {
		const rx = /^[0-9]/;
		const hasOnlyStepKeys = _.keys(steps).every(x => rx.test(x));
		if (hasOnlyStepKeys) {
			return steps;
		else {
			return {"1": steps};
	else if (_.isArray(steps)) {
		steps = _.compact(_.flattenDeep(steps));
		return _.zipObject(_.range(1, steps.length+1), steps);
	else {
		assert(false, "expected an array or a plain object: "+JSON.stringify(steps));

 * Process '@DATA', '@SCOPE', and 'data' properties for a step,
 * The returned data table will be the first to exist of '@DATA', 'DATA', and 'objects.DATA'
 * The returned scope will be the merger of data.objects.SCOPE, SCOPE, '@SCOPE', and common DATA values.
 * and return updated {DATA, SCOPE}.
function updateSCOPEDATA(step, data, SCOPE = undefined, DATA = undefined, addCommonValuesToScope=true) {
	// console.log("updateSCOPEDATA");
	// console.log(JSON.stringify(step));
	// FIXME: Debug only
	// if (step.value) {
	// 	assert(false);
	// }
	// console.log("data2: "+JSON.stringify(data));
	// console.log({SCOPE})
	const overwriteCommon = !_.isEmpty(DATA);
		= (step.hasOwnProperty("@DATA")) ? step["@DATA"]
		: (!_.isUndefined(DATA)) ? DATA
		: data.objects.DATA || [];
	// console.log({DATA})

	// Handle `data` parameter by loading Design data SCOPE and possibly
	// repeating the command for each group or each row
	if (step.hasOwnProperty("data")) {
		const dataInfo = misc.handleDirectiveDeep(, data);
		// console.log({dataInfo})
		let table = DATA;
		if (_.isString(dataInfo) || dataInfo.source) {
			const dataId = _.isString(dataInfo) ? dataInfo : dataInfo.source;
			const source = _.get(data.objects, dataId);
			// console.log({source})
			// console.log("data.objects:")
			// console.log(data.objects)
			assert(source, `Data source not found: ${dataId}`);

			if (_.isArray(source)) {
				table = source;
			else if (source.type === "Data") {
				if (!_.isUndefined(source.value)) {
					table = source.value;
				else {
					const design = substituteDeep(source, data, SCOPE, DATA);
					table = Design.flattenDesign(design);
			else {
				assert(false, "unrecognized data source: "+JSON.stringify(dataId)+" -> "+JSON.stringify(source));
		else if (_.isPlainObject( {
			const design = substituteDeep(, data, SCOPE, DATA);
			// console.log({design0:, design1: design})
			table = Design.flattenDesign({design});
			// console.log({table})

		if (_.isPlainObject(dataInfo)) {
			const SCOPE2 = _.defaults({}, SCOPE, data.SCOPE);
			const query = _.clone(dataInfo);
			if (query.where) {
				query.where = substituteDeep(query.where, data, SCOPE, DATA);
			// console.log({dataInfo, table})
			// console.log({SCOPE2});
			table = _.flatten(Design.query(table, query, SCOPE2));
			// console.log({dataInfo, table})
		DATA = table;
	//console.log("DATAs: "+JSON.stringify(DATAs, null, '\t'));

	const always = {
		// access the raw objects
		__objects: data.objects,
		// access the current raw data table
		__data: DATA,
		// access raw protocol parameters
		__parameters: _.get(data, ["protocol", "parameters"], {}),
		// access parameters from any step in the current step stack (0 = current step)
		// __stepStack: null,
	if (step.hasOwnProperty("command")) {
		// access parameters of the current step
		always.__step = step;
	// console.log({isEmpty: _.isEmpty(DATA)})
	const columns = (!overwriteCommon || _.isEmpty(DATA))
		? {}
		: _.fromPairs([0]), key => [key,, key)]));
	// console.log({DATA, columns, strange:, "n")});
	const common = overwriteCommon
		? _.mapKeys(
				(addCommonValuesToScope) ? Design.getCommonValues(DATA) : {},
				(value, key) => key + "_ONE"
		: {};
	const ATSCOPE = (step.hasOwnProperty("@SCOPE")) ? step["@SCOPE"] : {};
	SCOPE = _.defaults(always, columns, common, ATSCOPE, SCOPE, data.objects.SCOPE);

	return {DATA, SCOPE};

function copyItemsWithDefaults(items, defaults) {
	// console.log("copyItemsWithDefaults: "+JSON.stringify(items)+", "+JSON.stringify(defaults))
	if (_.isArray(items)) {
		items = _.cloneDeep(items);
	// Create a new array with the appropriate size
	else {
		const defaultCounts = _.mapValues(defaults, (value) => (_.isArray(value)) ? value.length : 1);
		let counts = _.uniq(_.values(defaultCounts));
		let size;
		if (counts.length === 1) {
			size = counts[0];
		else {
			counts = _.filter(counts, n => n != 1);
			assert(counts.length === 1, "unequal array sizes: "+JSON.stringify({items, defaults}));
			size = counts[0];
		items =, () => ({}));

	for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
		const item = items[i];
		_.forEach(defaults, (value, name) => {
			if (_.isUndefined(item[name]) && !_.isUndefined(value)) {
				if (_.isArray(value)) {
					if (value.length === 1) {
						item[name] = value[0];
					else {
						assert(i < value.length, "value array not long enough for target: "+JSON.stringify({name, i, value, target: items}));
						item[name] = value[i];
				else {
					item[name] = value;

	return items;

function splitItemsAndDefaults(items, keysToSkip) {
	// console.log("splitItemsAndDefaults: "+JSON.stringify(items)+", "+JSON.stringify(keysToSkip))
	let defaults = {};

	if (_.size(items) > 1) {
		defaults = Design.getCommonValues(items);
		if (_.isArray(keysToSkip) && !_.isEmpty(keysToSkip)) {
			defaults = _.omit(defaults, keysToSkip);
		// console.log({defaults})

		if (_.size(defaults) > 0) {
			const keysToOmit = _.keys(defaults);
			items =, item => _.omit(item, keysToOmit));

	return {items, defaults};

function setDefaultInArrayOfObjects(name, value, l) {
	assert(_.isArray(l), "expected and array: "+JSON.stringify(l));
	for (let i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
		const item = l[i];
		if (_.isUndefined(item[name])) {
			if (_.isArray(value)) {
				assert(i < value.length, "value array not long enough for target: "+JSON.stringify({value, target: l}));
				item[name] = value[i];
			else {
				item[name] = value;

module.exports = {
	_dereferenceVariable: dereferenceVariable,
	_g: g,
	// getCommonValues: Design.getCommonValues,
	_lookupInputPath: lookupInputPath,
	// setDefaultInArrayOfObjects,