Source: equipment/reader-InfiniteM200Pro.js

 * Roboliq: Automation for liquid-handling robots
 * @copyright 2017, ETH Zurich, Ellis Whitehead
 * @license GPL-3.0

 * Module for the Tecan InfiniteM200 reader.
 * @module
import _ from 'lodash';
import assert from 'assert';
import math from 'mathjs';
import Handlebars from 'handlebars';
import path from 'path';
import commandHelper from 'roboliq-processor/dist/commandHelper.js';
import expect from 'roboliq-processor/dist/expect.js';
import wellsParser from 'roboliq-processor/dist/parsers/wellsParser.js';

import {makeEvowareExecute, makeEvowareFacts} from './evoware.js';

const templateAbsorbance = `<TecanFile xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" Main.xsd" fileformat="Tecan.At.Measurement" fileversion="2.0" xmlns="">
		<FileInfo type="" instrument="infinite 200Pro" version="" createdFrom="localadmin" createdAt="{{createdAt}}" createdWith="Tecan.At.XFluor.ReaderEditor.XFluorReaderEditor" description="" />
		<TecanMeasurement id="1" class="Measurement">
				<MeasurementManualCycle id="2" number="1" type="Standard">
						<CyclePlate id="3" file="{{plateFile}}" plateWithCover="{{plateWithCover}}">
								<PlateRange id="4" range="{{wells}}" auto="false">
										{{#if doShakeBefore}}<Shaking id="{{shakeBeforeId}}" mode="Orbital" time="{{shakeBeforeTime}}" frequency="0" amplitude="{{shakeBeforeAmplitude}}" maxDeviation="PT0S" settleTime="PT0S" />{{/if}}
										{{#if doSettleBefore}}<WaitTime id="{{settleBeforeId}}" timeSpan="{{settleBeforeTime}}" maxDeviation="PT0S" refTimeID="0" ignoreInLastCycle="False" />{{/if}}
										{{#if doMeasure}}<MeasurementAbsorbance id="{{measureId}}" mode="Normal" type="" name="ABS" longname="" description="">
												<Well id="6" auto="true">
														<MeasurementReading id="7" name="" beamDiameter="{{beamDiameter}}" beamGridType="{{beamGridType}}" beamGridSize="{{beamGridSize}}" beamEdgeDistance="{{beamEdgeDistance}}">
																<ReadingLabel id="8" name="Label1" scanType="{{scanType}}" refID="0">
																		<ReadingSettings number="25" rate="25000" />
																		<ReadingTime integrationTime="0" lagTime="0" readDelay="{{readDelay}}" flash="0" dark="0" excitationTime="0" />
																		<ReadingFilter id="0" type="Ex" wavelength="{{excitationWavelength}}" bandwidth="{{excitationBandwidth}}" attenuation="0" usage="ABS" />
				<MeasurementInfo id="0" description="">
						<ScriptTemplateSettings id="0">
								<ScriptTemplateGeneralSettings id="0" Title="" Group="" Info="" Image="" />
								<ScriptTemplateDescriptionSettings id="0" Internal="" External="" IsExternal="False" />

// TODO: continue working on this with the goal of allowing shaking in the reader
const templateShake = `<TecanFile xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" Main.xsd" fileformat="Tecan.At.Measurement" fileversion="2.0" xmlns="">
		<FileInfo type="" instrument="infinite 200Pro" version="" createdFrom="localadmin" createdAt="{{createdAt}}" createdWith="Tecan.At.XFluor.ReaderEditor.XFluorReaderEditor" description="" />
		<TecanMeasurement id="1" class="Measurement">
				<MeasurementManualCycle id="2" number="1" type="Standard">
						<CyclePlate id="3" file="{{plateFile}}" plateWithCover="{{plateWithCover}}">
								<PlateRange id="4" range="{{wells}}" auto="false">
										<Shaking id="{{id}}" mode="Orbital" time="{{time}}" frequency="0" amplitude="{{amplitude}}" maxDeviation="PT0S" settleTime="PT0S" />
				<MeasurementInfo id="0" description="">
						<ScriptTemplateSettings id="0">
								<ScriptTemplateGeneralSettings id="0" Title="" Group="" Info="" Image="" />
								<ScriptTemplateDescriptionSettings id="0" Internal="" External="" IsExternal="False" />

function locationRowColToText(row, col) {
	var colText = col.toString();
	return String.fromCharCode("A".charCodeAt(0) + row - 1) + colText;

function getTemplateAbsorbanceParams(parsed, data) {
	const program = parsed.value.program || {};
	const output = parsed.value.output || {};
	// const labwareModelName = parsed.objectName["object.model"];
	const labwareModelName = parsed.value.object.model;
	// console.log({labwareModelName})
	const labwareModel = _.get(data.objects, labwareModelName);
	// console.log({labwareModel})
	const modelToPlateFile =;
	// assert(modelToPlateFile, `please define ${}.modelToPlateFile`);
	expect.truthy({paramName: "equipment"}, modelToPlateFile, `please define ${}.modelToPlateFile`);
	const plateFile = modelToPlateFile[labwareModelName];
	// assert(plateFile, `please define ${}.modelToPlateFile."${labwareModelName}"`);
	expect.truthy({paramName: "equipment"}, plateFile, `please define ${}.modelToPlateFile."${labwareModelName}"`);

	let wells;
	const wells0 = (program.wells)
		? commandHelper.asArray(program.wells)
		: (output.joinKey)
			? commandHelper.getDesignFactor(output.joinKey, data.objects.DATA)
			: undefined;
	if (wells0) {
		// console.log({program})
		// Get well list
		const wells1 = _.flatMap(wells0, s => wellsParser.parse(s, data.objects));
		// console.log({wells0})
		const rx = /\(([^)]*)\)/;
		const wells2 = => {
			const match = s.match(rx);
			return (match) ? match[1] : s;
		// console.log({wells1})
		const rowcols = => wellsParser.locationTextToRowCol(s));
		// console.log({rowcols})
		// rowcols.sort();
		rowcols.sort((a, b) => (a[0] == b[0]) ? a[1] - b[1] : a[0] - b[0]);
		// console.log({rowcols})

		if (_.isEmpty(rowcols)) {
			wells = "";
		else {
			let prev = rowcols[0];
			let indexOnPlatePrev = (prev[0] - 1) * labwareModel.columns + prev[1];
			wells = locationRowColToText(prev[0], prev[1])+":";
			for (let i = 1; i < rowcols.length; i++) {
				const rowcol = rowcols[i];
				const indexOnPlate = (rowcol[0] - 1) * labwareModel.columns + rowcol[1];
				// If continuity is broken or we've changed rows:
				// TODO: do something smarter than starting over on each row;
				//  but it can be tricky, because the reader expects square blocks
				//  of wells.
				if (indexOnPlate !== indexOnPlatePrev + 1 || rowcol[0] != prev[0]) {
					wells += locationRowColToText(prev[0], prev[1])+"|"+locationRowColToText(rowcol[0], rowcol[1])+":";
				prev = rowcol;
				indexOnPlatePrev = indexOnPlate;
			wells += locationRowColToText(prev[0], prev[1]);
	// If not specified, read all wells on plate
	else {
		wells = "A1:"+locationRowColToText(labwareModel.rows, labwareModel.columns);
	// console.log({wells})

	let isScan = false;
	let excitationWavelength;
	let excitationBandwidth;
	// This will normally be true if program data was passed to the absorbanceReader command,
	// but it may be empty if `programFileTemplate` was passed.
	if (program.excitationWavelength || program.excitationWavelengthMax) {
		isScan = (program.excitationWavelengthMin && program.excitationWavelengthMax);
		if (isScan) {
			const excitationWavelengthMin = program.excitationWavelengthMin.toNumber("nm");
			const excitationWavelengthStep0 = program.excitationWavelengthStep || math.unit(2, "nm");
			const excitationWavelengthStep = excitationWavelengthStep0.toNumber("nm");
			const excitationWavelengthMax0 = program.excitationWavelengthMax.toNumber("nm");
			const stepCount = Math.floor((excitationWavelengthMax0 - excitationWavelengthMin) / excitationWavelengthStep);
			const excitationWavelengthMax = excitationWavelengthMin + excitationWavelengthStep * stepCount;
			excitationWavelength = `${excitationWavelengthMin*10}~${excitationWavelengthMax*10}:${excitationWavelengthStep*10}`;
		else {
			// console.log({program})
			excitationWavelength = program.excitationWavelength.toNumber("nm") * 10;
		const excitationBandwidth0 = program.excitationBandwidth || math.unit(9, "nm");
		excitationBandwidth = excitationBandwidth0.toNumber("nm") * 10;
	else {
		assert(parsed.value.programFileTemplate, "You must supply either `program.excitationWavelength` or `programFileTemplate`");

	const doMeasure = true;

	let nextId = 5;
	const shakeBeforeParams = (_.has(program, "shakerProgramBefore.duration"))
		? {
			doShakeBefore: true,
			shakeBeforeId: nextId++,
			shakeBeforeTime: "PT"+program.shakerProgramBefore.duration.toNumber("s")+"S",
			shakeBeforeAmplitude: 4000
		: {};
	const settleBeforeParams = (_.has(program, "shakerProgramBefore.settleDuration"))
		? {
			doSettleBefore: true,
			settleBeforeId: nextId++,
			settleBeforeTime: "PT"+program.shakerProgramBefore.settleDuration.toNumber("s")+"S",
			shakeBeforeAmplitude: 4000
		: {};
	const measureId = (doMeasure) ? nextId++ : null;

	const params = _.defaults(
			//createdAt:	moment().format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSS")+"Z",
			createdAt: "2016-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
			plateWithCover: (parsed.value.object.isSealed || parsed.value.object.isCovered) ? "True" : "False",
			beamDiameter: (isScan) ? 0 : 500,
			beamGridType: "Single",
			beamGridSize: (isScan) ? 0 : 1,
			beamEdgeDistance: (isScan) ? "" : "auto",
			scanType: (isScan) ? "ScanEX" : "ScanFixed",
			readDelay: (isScan) ? 0 : 10000,
	// console.log({params, excitationWavelength0, excitationWavelength, excitationBandwidth0, excitationBandwidth});
	return params;

 * @typedef ReaderInfiniteM200ProConfig
 * @type {object}
 * @property {!string} evowareId - the Evoware ID of this equipment
 * @property {!string} evowareCarrier - the carrier that the equipment is on
 * @property {!string} evowareGrid - the grid that the equipment is on
 * @property {!number} evowareSite - the evoware site index of the equipment site
 * @param {!string} site - the equipment's site name (just the base part, without namespace)
 * @param {!Object.<string, string>} modelToPlateFile - a map from labware model to equipment's plate filename
 * @example
 * ```
 * evowareId: "ReaderNETwork",
 * evowareCarrier: "Infinite M200",
 * evowareGrid: 61,
 * evowareSite: 1,
 * site: "READER",
 * modelToPlateFile: {
 * 	"plateModel_96_round_transparent_nunc": "NUN96ft",
 * 	"plateModel_384_square": "GRE384fw",
 * 	"EK_384_greiner_flat_bottom": "GRE384fw",
 * 	"EK_96_well_Greiner_Black": "GRE96fb_chimney"
 * }
 * ```

function configure(config, equipmentName, params) {
	const agent = config.getAgentName();
	const equipment = config.getEquipmentName(equipmentName);
	const site = config.getSiteName(;

	const objects = {};
	// Add equipment
	_.set(objects, equipment, {
		type: "Reader",
		evowareId: params.evowareId,
		sitesInternal: [site],
		modelToPlateFile: _.fromPairs(, ([model0, file]) => [config.getModelName(model0), file]))
	// Add site
	_.set(objects, site, {
		type: "Site",
		evowareCarrier: params.evowareCarrier,
		evowareGrid: params.evowareGrid,
		evowareSite: params.evowareSite,
		closed: true

	const predicates = _.flatten([
		_.flatten(, model0 => [
				"absorbanceReader.canAgentEquipmentModelSite": {
					model: config.getModelName(model0),
				"fluorescenceReader.canAgentEquipmentModelSite": {
					model: config.getModelName(model0),
			"shaker.canAgentEquipmentSite": {
	predicates.push(...exports.getPredicates(agent, equipment, site));

	// console.log({planHandlers: exports.getPlanHandlers(agent, equipment, site)})
	const protocol = {
		schemas: exports.getSchemas(agent, equipment),
		planHandlers: exports.getPlanHandlers(agent, equipment, site),
		commandHandlers: exports.getCommandHandlers(agent, equipment),
	return protocol;

const exports = {
	getSchemas: (agentName, equipmentName) => ({
		[`equipment.close|${agentName}|${equipmentName}`]: {
			properties: {
				agent: {description: "Agent identifier", type: "Agent"},
				equipment: {description: "Equipment identifier", type: "Equipment"},
			required: ["agent", "equipment"]
		[`|${agentName}|${equipmentName}`]: {
			properties: {
				agent: {description: "Agent identifier", type: "Agent"},
				equipment: {description: "Equipment identifier", type: "Equipment"},
			required: ["agent", "equipment"]
		[`equipment.openSite|${agentName}|${equipmentName}`]: {
			properties: {
				agent: {description: "Agent identifier", type: "Agent"},
				equipment: {description: "Equipment identifier", type: "Equipment"},
				site: {description: "Site identifier", type: "Site"}
			required: ["agent", "equipment", "site"]
		[`|${agentName}|${equipmentName}`]: {
			description: "Run measurement on Infinite M200 Pro reader",
			properties: {
				agent: {description: "Agent identifier", type: "Agent"},
				equipment: {description: "Equipment identifier", type: "Equipment"},
				measurementType: {description: "Type of measurement, i.e fluorescence or absorbance", enum: ["fluorescence", "absorbance"]},
				program: {
					description: "Program definition",
					properties: {
						shakerProgramBefore: {
							description: "Program for shaker.",
							properties: {
								rpm: {description: "Rotations per minute (RPM)", type: "number"},
								duration: {description: "Duration of shaking", type: "Duration"},
								settleDuration: {description: "Duration to settle after shaking", type: "Duration"}
						wells: {description: "Array of wells to read", type: "Wells"},
						excitationWavelength: {description: "Excitation wavelength", type: "Length"},
						excitationBandwidth: {description: "Excitation bandwidth", type: "Length"},
						excitationWavelengthMin: {description: "Minimum excitation wavelength for a scan", type: "Length"},
						excitationWavelengthMax: {description: "Maximum excitation wavelength for a scan", type: "Length"},
						excitationWavelengthStep: {description: "Size of steps for a scan", type: "Length"}
				programFileTemplate: {description: "Program template; well information will be substituted into the template automatically.", type: "File"},
				programFile: {description: "Program filename", type: "File"},
				programData: {description: "Program data"},
				object: {description: "The labware being measured", type: "Plate"},
				output: {
					description: "Output definition for where and how to save the measurements",
					properties: {
						joinKey: {description: "The key used to left-join the measurement values with the current DATA", type: "string"},
						writeTo: {description: "Filename to write measurements to as JSON", type: "string"},
						appendTo: {description: "Filename to append measurements to as newline-delimited JSON", type: "string"},
						userValues: {description: "User-specificed values that should be included in the output table", type: "object"},
						simulated: {description: "An expression to evaluate with mathjs", type: "string"},
						units: {description: "Map of factor names to unit type; converts the factor values to plain numbers in the given units."}
			required: ["measurementType"]
		// [`|${agentName}|${equipmentName}`]: {
		// 	properties: {
		// 		agent: {description: "Agent identifier", type: "Agent"},
		// 		equipment: {description: "Equipment identifier", type: "Equipment"},
		// 		program: {
		// 			description: "Program for shaking",
		// 			properties: {
		// 				amplitude: {description: "Amplitude", enum: ["min", "low", "high", "max"]},
		// 				duration: {description: "Duration of shaking", type: "Duration"}
		// 			},
		// 			required: ["duration"]
		// 		}
		// 	},
		// 	required: ["agent", "equipment", "program"]
		// },
	getCommandHandlers: (agentName, equipmentName) => ({
		// Reader
		[`equipment.close|${agentName}|${equipmentName}`]: function(params, parsed, data) {
			return {expansion: [makeEvowareFacts(parsed, data, "Close")]};
		[`|${agentName}|${equipmentName}`]: function(params, parsed, data) {
			return {expansion: [makeEvowareFacts(parsed, data, "Open")]};
		[`equipment.openSite|${agentName}|${equipmentName}`]: function(params, parsed, data) {
			var carrier = commandHelper.getParsedValue(parsed, data, "equipment", "evowareId");
			var sitesInternal = commandHelper.getParsedValue(parsed, data, "equipment", "sitesInternal");
			var siteIndex = sitesInternal.indexOf(;
			expect.truthy({paramName: "site"}, siteIndex >= 0, "site must be one of the equipments internal sites: "+sitesInternal.join(", "));

			return {expansion: [makeEvowareFacts(parsed, data, "Open")]};
		[`|${agentName}|${equipmentName}`]: function(params, parsed, data) {
			// console.log(" "+JSON.stringify(parsed, null, '\t'));

			const hasProgram = (parsed.value.program) ? 1 : 0;
			const hasProgramFile = (parsed.value.programFile) ? 1 : 0;
			const hasProgramData = (parsed.value.programData) ? 1 : 0;
			expect.truthy({}, hasProgram + hasProgramFile + hasProgramData >= 1, "either `program`, `programFile` or `programData` must be specified.");
			expect.truthy({}, hasProgram + hasProgramFile + hasProgramData <= 1, "only one of `program`, `programFile` or `programData` may be specified.");

			let content
				= (hasProgramData) ? parsed.value.programData.toString('utf8')
				: (hasProgramFile) ? parsed.value.programFile.toString('utf8')
				: (!_.isEmpty(parsed.value.programFileTemplate)) ? parsed.value.programFileTemplate.toString('utf8')
				: undefined;

			// If program:
			//   if hasProgramFile: take programFile as template and modify it for substituting in wells and whatnot
			//   otherwise use the template
			//   do substitutions
			if (hasProgram) {
				// If programFile is not supplied, use the default template:
				if (_.isUndefined(content)) {
					assert(parsed.value.measurementType === "absorbance", "MISSING FUNCTIONALITY: programmer needs to supply template for fluorescence programs");
					content = templateAbsorbance;
				// Otherwise, modify the programFile/programData to allow for substitutions:
				else {
					// substitute the wells into the program file
					if (!_.isEmpty(parsed.value.program.wells) || !_.isEmpty(parsed.value.output.joinKey)) {
						content = content.replace(/<PlateRange id="(\d+)" range="[^"]+"/, '<PlateRange id="$1" range="{{wells}}"');
				assert(!_.isEmpty(content), "Program content is empty");

				// Substitute in relevant values:
				const templateParams = getTemplateAbsorbanceParams(parsed, data);
				const template = Handlebars.compile(content);
				content = template(templateParams);

			var start_i = content.indexOf("<TecanFile");
			if (start_i < 0)
				start_i = 0;
			var programData = content.substring(start_i).
				replace(/[\r\n]/g, "").
				replace(/&/g, "&amp;"). // "&amp;" is probably not needed, since I didn't find it in the XML files
				replace(/=/g, "&equal;").
				replace(/"/g, "&quote;").
				replace(/~/, "&tilde;").
				replace(/>[ \t]+</g, "><");

			// Save the file to the agent-configured TEMPDIR, if no absolute path is given
			const writeTo = _.get(parsed.value, "output.writeTo") || parsed.value.outputFile;
			const outputFile0 = (writeTo)
				? path.join(path.dirname(writeTo), path.basename(writeTo, ".xml") + ".xml")
				: parsed.value.measurementType+".xml";
			const outputFile = (path.win32.isAbsolute(outputFile0))
				? outputFile0
				: "%{TEMPDIR}\\" + path.win32.basename(outputFile0);
			const value = outputFile + "|" + programData;
			const args = ["TecanInfinite", "%{SCRIPTFILE}", data.path.join("."), outputFile];
			const expansion = [
				makeEvowareFacts(parsed, data, "Measure", value, parsed.objectName.object),
				makeEvowareExecute(parsed.objectName.agent, "%{ROBOLIQ}", args, true)
			return {
				reports: (_.isEmpty(data.objects.DATA)) ? undefined : {
					measurementFactors: data.objects.DATA
		// [`|${agentName}|${equipmentName}`]: function(params, parsed, data) {
	getPredicates: (agentName, equipmentName, siteName) => [
		// Open READER
		{"method": {"description": `generic.openSite-${siteName}`,
			"task": {"generic.openSite": {"site": "?site"}},
			"preconditions": [{"same": {"thing1": "?site", "thing2": siteName}}],
			"subtasks": {"ordered": [{[`${equipmentName}.open`]: {}}]}
		{"action": {"description": `${equipmentName}.open: open the reader`,
			"task": {[`${equipmentName}.open`]: {}},
			"preconditions": [],
			"deletions": [{"siteIsClosed": {"site": siteName}}],
			"additions": []
		// Close READER
		{"method": {"description": `generic.closeSite-${siteName}`,
			"task": {"generic.closeSite": {"site": "?site"}},
			"preconditions": [{"same": {"thing1": "?site", "thing2": siteName}}],
			"subtasks": {"ordered": [{[`${equipmentName}.close`]: {}}]}
		{"action": {"description": `${equipmentName}.close: close the reader`,
			"task": {[`${equipmentName}.close`]: {}},
			"preconditions": [],
			"deletions": [],
			"additions": [
				{"siteIsClosed": {"site": siteName}}
	getPlanHandlers: (agentName, equipmentName, siteName) => ({
		[`${equipmentName}.close`]: function(params, parentParams, data) {
			return [{
				command: "equipment.close",
				agent: agentName,
				equipment: equipmentName
		[`${equipmentName}.open`]: function(params, parentParams, data) {
			return [{
				command: "equipment.openSite",
				agent: agentName,
				equipment: equipmentName,
				site: siteName

module.exports = _.merge({configure}, exports);